Weight Loss Injections

We are seeing increasing requests for weight loss injections, following recent media coverage.

Unfortunately GPs are not able to prescribe this medication at this stage for weight loss. There is an aim in the future for this to occur but not at the moment.

In North Yorkshire, we have to follow the commissioning guideline and national guidance which states the drug currently has to be prescribed by a Tier 3 weight management service in appropriate patients. There is also a national shortage of this drug so supplies are very low currently.

The criteria to refer to Tier 3 is as follows:

  • Aged 18Y+
  • BMI equal to or over 40 or 35 with significant co-morbidities.


  • Have maximised primary care and community conservative management e.g. a Tier 2 service

You can refer yourself for Tier 2 weight management support at Fit4Life

Fit4Life project – Brimhams Active

or if you are living with obesity and hypertension, diabetes or both you can be referred to the NHS Digital Weight Management Programme

NHS England » The NHS Digital Weight Management Programme

Please complete an eConsult if you would like a referral for this

If you are unhappy with this, you can complain directly to the Humber and Yorkshire ICB commissioning organisation (hnyicb.contactus@nhs.net).